Last year was arguably one of the worst years any of us has endured, and that goes double for breweries, brewpubs, bars, restaurants and anyone who sells beer. Beer has been appropriately called a “social lubricant” and what we all lost on 2020 was the in-person social aspect of our lives.

Sharing a beer with anyone outside our immediate family became nearly impossible apart from Zoom tastings, which wasn’t quite the same as being able to clink glasses with a friend. Let’s hope to reunite in person over a beer this year. Until then, here are the trends to look for in 2021.

Brewery shakeout

Some hard-hit breweries, particularly the small ones, will not stay in business. Cleophus Quealy Beer Company in San Leandro, Independent Brewing Co. in Oakland and FDR Brewing Company in San Francisco are just a few of the Bay Area breweries that permanently closed in 2020.

In a November 2020 survey of its members, the craft beer industry’s Brewers Association found that 22 percent — more than one in five craft brewers — don’t think they’ll still be operating by the end of 2021.

Overall, however, there were not nearly the high numbers of brewery closures that many people, myself included, predicted. That’s the silver lining, perhaps, but it also suggests that many are hanging on by a thread. Unfortunately, it could be a portent of what could happen later this year.

Rise of low and no-alcohol beers

I remember trying “Near Beer” as a child and finding it awful. But right now there are some truly beer-tasting, delicious N/As with less than half a percent of alcohol in them. Brooklyn Brewery’s “Special Effects” is a wonder, as is Lagunitas’ “IPNA.” And there are entire breweries making nothing but tasty N/A beers, like Surreal Brewing in Campbell.

In 2021, look for Samuel Adams to debut their new N/A, “Just the Haze.” Deschutes Brewing Co. will also release a low-alcohol beer, “Teensy,” which will be a hazy IPA that’s only 2 percent ABV.

More juiciness

Speaking of hazy IPAs, not only will they continue to be popular, but breweries will continue to add extensions like hazy pale ales and other hazy-designated beers. It’s become code for fruity, juicy and decidedly not bitter. I think they’re generally tasty beers, but they seem to me like IPAs for people who really don’t like IPAs. It’s time to come up with a separate designation for these beers, because they’re not going away but they are confusing people who maybe are looking for an IPA that tastes like it traditionally ought to, with the characteristic bitterness and hop spiciness.

Craft malt

In much the same way consumers have learned about which hop varieties they like, craft malt will gain presence in the new year, with Alameda’s Admiral Maltings’ leading the way in the Bay Area. Barley will be big in 2021. Experts are predicting that American barley farmers will increase their production in anticipation of brewers seeking the crop to elevate their beers.

More hard seltzer

For better or worse, hard seltzer will continue to feed consumers’ taste for sweeter beverages that are low in calories. And it’s not just the White Claws of the world. Microbreweries, wineries and distillers are getting in on the game, offering more flavors, functional elements and cocktail-inspired seltzers.

Those are the major trends to watch for in 2021, but we’ll undoubtedly see a few more things. With people now comfortable buying beer online, we’ll continue to see e-commerce sales become a more significant part of brewery sales.

And as I’ve tried to predict in previous years, maybe this will finally be the year when craft lagers and sour beers truly go mainstream.

Hoppy new year.

Contact Jay R. Brooks at